Trusted + recommended by top canine fitness + rehabilitation experts worldwide

FitPaws Trax Peanut Dog Training Platform (Various Sizes)

FitPaws Trax Peanut Dog Training Platform (Various Sizes)
FitPaws Trax Peanut Dog Training Platform Red 50cm
FitPaws Trax Peanut Dog Training Platform Yellow 40cm

FitPaws Trax Peanut Dog Training Platform (Various Sizes)

Inflatable Stability Trainer
Sale price $74.95
For dogs of any age, size or breed
  • SATISFACTION GUARANTEE 30 day money back guarantee
  • In stock, ready to ship

The versatile FitPaws Balance Peanut

Designed with a dog-specific shape to promote proper form and alignment. With a ribbed surface for better traction and a center cradle for stabalization, this powerful conditioning tool strengthens the muscles of the entire body. The Balance Peanut can be utilized as a touch target, an obstacle, and as a tool for stability or core training. The Balance Peanut provides a high-to-ground and moderate-to-high level balance challenge and can be used to improve balance, cardio, flexbility and strength.

Product usage guidelines and inflation instructions can be found here.

Engineered specifically for dogs

  • Superior gripping

  • Sensory bumps provide neural stimulation

  • Durable + burst resistant

  • Professional grade material


- Strengthen core + limbs

- Improved coordination

- Better joint health

- Stronger bond

- Reduced behavior challenges

- Senior dog strengthening

- Puppy confidence building

For sizing:

For core conditioning exercises: Your dog should be able to stand on top of the Peanut in a natural stance without a hunched or arched back.

For stretching or weight bearing exercises: The Peanut should measure slightly under the highest part of your dog's shoulder.

Before beginning this or any physical activity with your dog, ensure he or she is in good health. The FitPAWS® Balance Peanut is a training tool for dogs only and is NOT A TOY. Do not allow your dog to use the equipment unsupervised. The Balance Peanut is not for human use. Contains small parts. Chocking hazard.

Clean with soap and water. Some cleaning solutions may cause damage to the plastic. FitPAWS® professional quality heavy-duty PVC was designed for dog use and resists damage caused by dogs nails. Please always check your dog’s nails prior to using the product. Dog nails should be trimmed.

Have a product question? Find the answer in our FAQs.

Customer Reviews

Based on 20 reviews
Timothy Thomas


Mauvaise qualité

Impossible d’utiliser la pompe, dès la première utilisation celle-ci tombe en morceaux. J’ai dû acheter une autres pompe à côté pour pouvoir utiliser le ballon. Mais j’ai peur que le ballon soit de la même qualité médiocre que la pompe. À fuir

Georgann Bridenbecker

Perfect size. Quality material and strength. Stable for many exercise styles.

Auch für große Hunde geeignet

Das Ding ist wirklich robust, lässt sich mithilfe einer Ballpumpe (lag bei) relativ schnell aufpumpen und behält auch die Luft wirklich drin (Stopfen lag ebenso bei). Ich trainiere darauf einen - allerdings eher kleinen-filigranen - Riesenschnauzer mit 27 kg. Der kann gut darauf gerade stehen, ist also nicht "gestaucht". Für große Schäferhunde etc. ist das vermutlich immer noch zu klein, für diese würde ich - wenn darauf Übungen auch im "Steh" gemacht werden sollen - die nächst größere Ausführung wählen.

Proprioception exercises and K9 cross training / conditioning

I use it in proprioception exercises with my dogs. Useful for strengthening muscles, it requires a base to hold it or a non-slip mat.


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exercises you can do with the balance peanut?

here you go


agility, balance, conditioning, cardio + core strength.


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